This group is being set up for ALL WebTV users who have questions. Even the most seasoned users come up against a brick wall every now and then. Whether you need help setting up your page, finding that special MIDI or GIF, or just want to help others in their quests, hopefully, this will be a help. Welcome!!!
A message board has been set up to help us all help each other. Click here.
A Web Ring has also been set up to generate a bit more visits to our sites. Click here.
A new page has been set up! This page is for all of us to announce new sites or something new on our site that we would like to share with others! Please take a look here.
Next on my list is to make a page of all the ring members who are "specialists" in certain areas of page building or finding stuff on the web. If you are a member of the ring and would like to be included, please e-mail with your expertise and page addy at moviemaniac.
Hopefully, we all can come up with a few more ideas along the way to help each other generate the best pages on the Net created by WebTV users!